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Find Activities

Chico and its neighboring towns have so much to offer homeschoolers.  Here you will find a list of activities that frequently recommended by homeschoolers along with their contact information and which charter schools they work with.  Activities or service providers that are not registered with charter schools are still available to you but will need to be paid for out-of-pocket.  


Note: We do our best to keep this list updated and correct.  If you find information that needs correcting, we would love to hear from you so we can better serve our community. 

List of Activities and Vendors

You can browse by activity type by scrolling down. Below the providers name, we've noted which charter funds they accept.  For a complete list of vendors/community partners registered with each charter, you can click on the charter name in the legend below.

This information is subject change, so be sure to double-check their vendor status when you sign up. 

​Vendor Legend:  C = CORE   L = Lakeview   S = South Sutter   N/A = Not Applicable   None = Not registered with charters 

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