Frequently Asked Questions
The homeschooling world can be tricky to navigate especially in the beginning. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about homeschooling in our area.
Which Charter School is The Best?
Really this question should be phrased, "Which charter school is the best for my family?" The most honest answer to this question is that the best charter is whichever one most closely aligns with what you want for your kids. Families who prefer more flexibility are likely going to enjoy working with Lakeview or South Sutter the best. Their credentialed teachers also tend to be homeschooling families themselves which gives them a unique perspective on working with homeschoolers.
Families who want their kids to learn at home but stay in-step educationally with more conventional programs might prefer CORE. CORE families enjoy the benefits of in-person classes, a fully staffed campus, and wrap around support. High Schoolers at CORE enjoy sports, clubs, and social activities in addition to on-campus classes 2-4 times a week.
The other piece to consider is finding a teacher at the charter that you connect well with. This is a person you will be working with a lot so it's worth making sure you guys are a good fit. This piece of finding a teacher you enjoy working with, will, more than anything else, determine your experience at the school. So select your teacher carefully and change if it's not a good fit. Remember, if it's not a good fit for you, it probably isn't a good fit for them either. Everyone benefits from a strong teacher-parent working relationship.
Why do you keep talking about a teacher? Aren't I the teacher in homeschool?
Yes, you'll be the one doing the teaching and/or selecting instructors for your child. That said, the charter schools in the area that serve homeschoolers are public schools. Because they are public schools, they are required to have a credentialed teacher in charge of ensuring that the students' educational needs are being met in accordance with state standards. This is usually a really great piece for families. The credentialed teacher can offer guidance as you learn how to teach academics to your kids. They will keep track of the standards and help you design an effective educational program for your kids. This teacher is a partner for you in this journey so you don't have to go it alone. Now, this only applies to families with charter schools. Families going the PSA or PSP route will not be required to have a credentialed teacher partnering with them. This can feel both liberating and scary. Only you know how much support you need or want, so you are the best qualified person to make this choice for your family.
What's a vendor (aka community partner)?
These are service providers who will accept payment from the charter schools. They have to go through a screening process to help ensure your children's safety. The three large charter schools offer families an allotment of funds they can spend on the vendor/community partner of their choice. Each school differs in how many funds are given and how they can be used. The parents sign up with the service provider and then request a P.O. from their school. The school then pays approved funds directly to the vendor.
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