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YouTube Channels
Videos are an excellent way to supplement your child's education. For better or for worse, parents don't know everything but thanks to modern technology we have access to most of human knowledge on our phones. So, there's no need to feel bad if you don't know how to explain the inner workings of a cell or if you've forgotten how to find the vertex of a curve using quadratic equations, because someone has made a video about it. Some of these videos are created by talented teachers who are able to explain complicated concepts simply. Many homeschool parents find themselves tapping into the wealth of video-based knowledge. Here are some YouTube Channels that are worth adding your collection of resources.
YouTube Channels
Reading Curriculums

Manual Activities Books App Grades K-4
This reading package will take your child from not reading to fluent reading in 4 levels. Each lesson is led by the parent with the guidance of a manual. The lesson includes some review, a new concept, and an activity. The curriculum also uses letter tiles to practice the concepts. Many parents prefer to use AAR's Letter Tiles app for this part because it keeps everything well organized. Every few lessons kids are asked to read from a colorful, leveled reader that practices and reviews skills learned up to that point.

Manual (video option) Letter tiles Dyslexia K-4
This unique approach to literacy was originally developed to meet the needs of children with dyslexia. However, it is a program that is effective with multiple learning styles. Each lesson has a video for the parent to watch to learn how to teach the concept. Then the parent introduces the idea and uses colored blocks with letters and letter combinations to practice the ideas. This is often the tool used to provide intervention for kids struggling to learn to read, but also works as a stand-alone tool for teaching reading and spelling.

Nature-based Grades K-3
Part of the Wild Learning program, Wild Reading uses outdoor learning and a multi-sensory approach to teaching kids how to read and write. The curriculum skillfully integrates elements of Waldorf and Montessori teaching styles to create a fun and gentle way to learn how to read. Lessons offer tiered activities to meet the needs of kids at different levels of reading and writing readiness. Wild Learning also offers a math program.

Teaching Manual Grades K-2
This curriculum offers 100 - 20 minute lessons. The book is written for the instructor and spells out exactly what to say to teach each concept. The book is well researched and will take kids through all the basics of reading (up through about 2nd grade). Many parents like how straight-forward and effective this program is.

Workbooks (online option available) Grades K-3
This is a traditional phonics based approach to learning how to read and spell. It contains 8 easy-to use workbooks. Most students complete 2-3 workbooks per grade level. This series can be used alone or as a supplement to other reading programs. Additional practice workbooks are available for kids who would benefit from more practice with the concepts. There is also an online option available.

Online Dyslexia Support Grades K-10
Nessy is a reading program designed to help learners with dyslexia, however, it is an excellent tool for any learner. The program combine short animated videos that introduce reading concepts in a fun, visual way with online games to practice the concepts. There are several different types of program depending your child's age and needs. Students levels are assessed in the beginning and then they are placed accordingly so you don't have to guess which level is right for your child. Nessy also offer math, spelling, and writing support programs. Nessy is a program that is often available through local charter schools so check there first.

Online Grades K-3
This inexpensive curriculum is popular with families who like online, playful instruction. Parents who go through a charter should check with their school to see if they have an account through the school before paying out-of-pocket. This program can also be used to supplement a more conventional curriculum. They also have an option for math.

Online Grades K-3
This program is an online, game-based approach to learning how to read. It includes a step-by-step learning path to help readers track their progress and make it easy to know what to do next. They also have math option. Similar to Starfall, parents may also use this option as a way to practice or supplement another reading curriculum.
Writing, Grammar & Handwriting Curriculums

Online Workbook Grades K-12
This program is a writing curriculum designed for homeschoolers. Videos are short (about 5-10 minutes) and are accompanied by 2-4 worksheets to practice the concepts. The first half of each year is grammar while the second half is focused on composition. Homeschoolers find that they can mix and match the curriculum easily to meet their needs. They also offer a scoring service for reviewing essays by middle schoolers. Be careful not to confuse this program with IEW. Despite the similar names and acronyms they are very different programs. Online class are also available.

Videos Handbook Grades K-12
This program excels at creating excellent writers. Their process for teaching writing manages to balance structure and creativity. There is a video offering instruction that parents are encouraged to watch with their kids. Kids are then asked to complete exercises from the binder and/or save their writings that they completed during the video. Many people use this curriculum in middle school to make sure their kids are prepared for high school level essay writing. That said, they have programs for all ages. They also offer options for grammar and much more. Additionally, IEW has online options for kids to work with an IEW instructor. Be careful not to confuse this program with EIW - they have similar names but are very different programs.

Workbook Hands-on Grades K-5
Handwriting Without Tears
Handwriting Without Tears is a favorite curriculum of many local occupational therapists and teachers. It combines easy-to-follow workbooks with different ways to build a letter including a chalkboard, special blocks, letter cards, and digital options. There are options for print and cursive. They also have a program for teaching keyboarding skills.

Workbooks Teaching Manual Grades K-8
This is a well structured program that builds on itself. Write Shop Levels 1 and 2 are great for middle schoolers. Depending on the speed you go, these two levels will likely take you through all of middle school. Each lesson takes 2 weeks and is laid out in the same way which gives both parents and students a way to know what to expect. Writing samples are included so kids and parents know the quality of writing expected at that level. Write Shop Junior is for grades 3-6*. Write Shop Primary is designed for grades K-3* (depending on their writing abilities).

Teaching Manual Workbook + Grades K-12
Brave Writer is a complex and inspiring writing system written for homeschoolers. It encourages incorporating writing into your child's education in various and creative ways. This is an expansive learning system that is perfect for families who want to dive deep into writing. They also offer online classes. Families with multiple children might like Brave Writer's options for teaching multiple ages at once. Additionally, grammar and literature lessons are available.

Online Grades K-12
This is an innovative, online program that personalizes learning using words and concepts that are of high-interest to your child. Kids select their favorites of various items and the program uses those ideas to create prompts and practice sentences that your child would find engaging. The lessons are scaffolded (meaning they build on each other), adaptive, and able to provide differentiated support when needed. Kids complete practice work, quick writes, and guided drafts. They also offer a premium subscription for families who want even more support.
Spelling Curriculums

Teacher's Manual Activities Book Grades K-5
This spelling program is similar to its sister curriculum "All About Reading." It comes with a teacher's manual that will walk you through each lesson. The activities packet will give your child some opportunities to practice with the words in new ways. The program also has letter tiles that are available in magnet form or in an app. Parents report liking the app more than the tiles because it keeps everything together and organized.

Workbook Grades K-6
Evan-Moor Spelling workbooks provide a list of 10-20 words (depending on their level) for kids to work with each week. After the words are introduced, they have a series of pages for kids to practice engaging with the words in different ways. The words in each list are related to each other in some way (e.g. same vowel sounds, consonant blends, etc). The workbooks are simple to use and each worksheet takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Each lesson is about 4 pages long plus a spelling test at the end of each week.
Vocabulary Curriculums

Workbook Online Grades K-12
Wordly Wise has been teaching vocabulary for decades and their experience shows. This curriculum can be accessed in print form or online. Options are available for differentiated learning to help kids at different reading levels. Students practice with word meanings and then read passages with the words used in context. They have partnered with Quizlet to provide online flashcards and games to practice.

Workbook Grades 6-9
Vocabulary Cartoons is an engaging and clever way to teach vocabulary to middle schoolers. It uses a visual-mnemonic approach to teaching each word. It capitalizes on the research that shows that absurd images are more likely to stick in the brain. Each word has its own image, definitions, synonyms and antonyms list. Then the word is used in a few sentences. Worksheets for review are included. They also have higher level books for SAT prep. These books are great for visual learners.
More Ideas?
If you have a curriculum you love but isn't included here or see a correction we need to make, we'd love to hear from you.